TRAZER adds neuromechanical data to current vitals
According to WEB MD, Viraj Patel, MD, a doctor caring for COVID-19 patients at the Montefiore Health Care System in the Bronx, says health care providers have begun to set up “COVID-19 discharge clinics” for patients who have recovered enough to leave the hospital. “Each institution is developing their own protocol or policy right now because there is no great data about what we need to monitor for when it comes to long-term effects… Without data, we’re flying blind … [and] relying on expert opinion.” said Dr. Patel.
WHO and the CDC claim the COVID-19 virus is impacting vital signs for a significant percentage of those who have contracted it—even after they have been designated “recovered.” In fact, the American Heart Association reports that “Months after infection, many COVID-19 patients can’t shake illness.”
Five Current Vital Signs tracked to determine health status
1. Temperature between 97.8 – 99 F
2. Heart Rate from 60 – 100 BPM
3. Respiratory Rate of 12 – 16 breaths per minute
4. Blood Pressure at approx. 120/80
5. Oxygen Saturation at greater than 95%
TRAZER—the Sixth Vital Sign
+ Provides objective performance metrics on the brain and body connection
+ Detects abnormalities in movement
+ Tracks progression/degradation over time
+ Challenges the brain and body through interactive, cognitive testing
+ Opens a new revenue channel
+ Improves post-COVID recovery with regular exercise and cognitive challenges
+ Provides a controlled environment that is touch-free and social distancing approved
TRAZER Data provides tracking of neuromechanical status (how well the brain and body are communicating), in addition to heart rate and movement performance, all affected by pulmonary function. TRAZER cannot diagnose your patient but can give you objective measurements to assist you in establishing the most effective and safe protocol for returning to function.
TRAZER measures global performance capabilities to detect abnormalities in movement patterns due to injury, disease, or cognitive decline. Serial testing yields indispensable data regarding response to therapy and readiness to return to full function. TRAZER exercise improves brain/body connectivity, performance metrics such as reaction time, speed over distance, acceleration, deceleration, and endurance.

TRAZER’s 5 Minute Graded Performance Assessment (GPA), in 3 levels of intensity, challenges and develops the user’s senses, mind and body while measuring whole body/global response to the activity. Its low perceived exertion rate encourages compliance to the exercise prescription, and coaxes optimal performance from the user so that the physical therapist or trainer can fine tune the delicate balance between proper exercise and rehabilitation intensity.
The patient charted in this graph had 21 total in-office visits over a 2-month period; TRAZER was used both for therapy and to monitor progress. The patient’s progression from a GPA 120 baseline at admission to GPA 60 and finally to GPA 30 is recorded.
In combination with the GPA, you might consider using TRAZER’s Neuromechanical Screening Test (NST) with your post-COVID patients. You will be able to clearly detect R/L side asymmetries in key measures, such as reaction time, speed, acceleration and deceleration that may be relevant to staging recovery.
Watch the TRAZER GPA Test in action