Schedule a 30-Minute Demo to see how TRAZER works
Everybody moves.
Sense. Process. Execute.
The science behind movement simply stated is that movement is the observable end-result of the interaction of the three systems that move the body — muscular, sensory, and cognitive.
Aligned perfectly at the intersection of movement science (neuromechanics) and technology, TRAZER helps every body move better.
Vital Technology
Science and Medicine have defined 5 “Vital Signs”, evaluated in every “physical” exam. TRAZER measures that 6th — and perhaps most important physical metric for humans — the brain’s ability to control movement.
TRAZER software and algorithms give healthcare providers, clinicians, caregivers, and coaches objective, standardized data for greater confidence in recovery planning and decisions in return-to-work, training, and injury prevention in four key areas:
Increase strength and coordination and reduce risk for falls.
Improve performance through better understanding of the body’s position, velocity and momentum.
Dynamic Movement
Identify and monitor movement asymmetries and reaction times to help prevent injury, improve recovery, and enhance performance over time.
Assess the combined roles of the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems and how they interact to produce the motion required to complete a motor task.
How TRAZER Works
THE Setup
The TRAZER system consists of hardware featuring a specialized hard-drive and high-powered depth-sensing camera, and proprietary software tracking 25 points on the body to process millions of data points in real-time. The system requires a 10’ x 12’ space, connection to any size TV or monitor (via provided HDMI cable), and Internet connection.Â
The system can be installed on a wall or can be used as a mobile unit with a rolling stand. The mobile application is perfect for use in multiple areas in a clinic or hospital setting, or when home health treatment or conducting assessments, such as in a high-school or pre-deployment processing for the military.Â

THE Experience
Each User has their own unique profile to record data. User profiles can be created on the TRAZER system or can be imported in bulk to the portal. Â
The provider selects an Activity from ASSESSMENTS, DRILLS, REHABILITATION, WORKOUTS or GAMES. TRAZER automatically calibrates the User into a virtual world generating an on-screen avatar that replicates every movement the User makes. Users are prompted to direct their avatar through motions that engage the brain + body.Â
TRAZER analyzes movement characteristics and generates meaningful and actionable reports, displayed on-screen following each activity. Data is transmitted via WiFi to the HIPAA-compliant TRAZER Portal for management by the provider.
THE Applications
Applicable for work with patients, athletes and seniors whether enhancing performance, avoiding surgery, recovery from injury or managing condition-related issues, TRAZER tracks, measures and records metrics for Balance, Kinematics, Dynamic Movement, and Neuromechanics. TRAZER has recently released Upper Extremity Activities that can be performed seated or standing.
Activities are delivered in an interactive and engaging environment free of any sensors or wearables to allow more natural movement resulting in more accurate data. In addition, the system allows for the use of assistive devices such as walkers, wheelchairs, canes, and/or human assistance.
- Plug-and-play HIPAA-compliant system
- Flat fee paid monthly or annually
- Comprehensive onboarding, training, and support
- 150+ activities for Rehabilitation, Strengthening, and Risk Mitigation
- Aligned with relevant Part A and Part B CPT codes
- Immediate on-screen performance reporting
- Detailed reporting to print or PDF for upload to EMR
- Track, measure, and record performance metrics for Balance, Kinematics, Dynamic Movement, and Neuromechanics
Objective Brain + Body Data
Interactive Cognitive Challenge + Motion Capture + Data Analytics = Better Outcomes
- Reaction Time to Visual Cues
- Heart Rate
- Left/Right Asymmetries
- Sway (Balance)
- Acceleration & Deceleration
- Speed & Distance Traveled
- Progression & Degradation
- Targets Hit
- Kinematic Joint Angles