
TRAZER technology has been well researched by professionals and institutions.

Effects of mTBI On Neuromechanical Function of Olympic-Level Boxers

 Edien A. Fernandini, MS, ATC; John M. Spillman, MS, ATC; MaKayla D. Colbert MS, ATC; Gary B. Wilkerson EdD, ATC

Improvement of Perceptual-Motor Function Among Elite Athletes With Concussion History

Gary B. Wilkerson, EdD, ATC, FNATA; Dustin C. Nabhan, DC, DACBSP, CSCS; Ryan T. Crane, MS, ATC

Association of Concussion History With Neuromechanical Responsiveness Asymmetry

Gary B. Wilkerson, EdD, ATC, FNATA; Dustin C. Nabhan, DC, DACBSP, CSCS; Ryan T. Crane, MS, ATC

Association of Heart Rate Variability With Perceptual-Motor Measure Among ROTC Cadets

 Ashley Grillo, MS, ATC; Abigail Rogers, MS, ATC; Tyler Perry , MS, ATC; Gary B Wilkerson, EdD, ATC; Shellie N Acocello, PhD, ATC

Modifiable Neuromechanical Impairments Among Elite Athletes With Sport-Related Concussion History

Tyler S. Perry, Ryan M. Lipe, Michael T. Brooks, Gary B. Wilkerson, EdD, ATC; Dustin C. Nabhan, DC, DACBSP, FACSM

Concussions In Ice Hockey

Allison Parizek and F. Richard Ferraro, PhD

Lower Extremity Stiffness Changes After Concussion in Collegiate Football Players

Multiple Contributors

Consortium for Health and Military Performance and American College of Sports Medicine Summit: Utility of Functional Movement Assessment in Identifying Musculoskeletal Injusty Risk

Multiple Contributors

The Effect of Exertion on Heart Rate and Rating of Perceived Exertion in Acutely Concussed Individuals

Andrea Hinds, John Leddy, Michael Freitas, Natalie Czuczman, and Barry Willer

Choice Stepping Reaction Time: A Composite Measure of Falls Risk in Older People

Stephen R. Lord and Richard C. Fitzpatrick

Invalid Performance And The ImPACT In National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Football Players

Ashley J. Szabo, MA; Michael L. Alosco, MA; Andrew Fedor, MA; John Gunstad, PhD

Effect Of Concussion On Clinically Measured Reaction Time In Nine NCAA Division I Collegiate Athletes: A Preliminary Study

James T. Eckner, MD MS, Jeffrey S. Kutcher, MD, James K Richardson, MD

Case Study: TRAZER Victoria Nursing Miami

Barry University, Lindsay Corcoran, OTS

Concussion Frequency Associates With Musculoskeletal Injury In Retired NFL Players

Brian Pietrosimone, Yvonne M. Golightly, Jason P. Mihalik, Kevin M. Guskiewicz

Detection of Persisting Concussion Effects on Neuromechanical Responsiveness


Balance And Cognitive Performance During A Dual-Task: Preliminary Implications For Use In Concussion Assessment

Elizabeth F. Teel, Johana K. Register-Mihalik, J. Troy Blackburn, Kevin M. Guskiewicz

Neuromechanical Considerations for Postconcussion Musculoskeletal Injury Risk Management

Gary B. Wilkerson, EdD, ATC1; Dustin R. Grooms, PhD, ATC2; and Shellie N. Acocello, PhD, ATC1

Acute Lower Extremity Injury Rates Increase Following Concussion In College Athletes

Robert C. Lynall, C. Mauntel, Darin A. Padua, Jason P. Mihalik

The Need for Clinical Assessment of Perception-Action Coupling Capabilities

Gary Wilkerson, EdD, ATC, FNATA, Dustin Nabhan, DC, DACBSP, FACSM

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ACL Return to Sport Testing: It's Time to Step Up Our Game

Casey Unverzagt, PT, DPT, DSc, OCS, SCS, FAAOMPT, Evan Andreyo, PT, DPT, OCS, SCS, and Jeff Tompkins, PT, DPT, OCS